Pu-Erh Bricks and Cakes

Pu-erh from various years pressed into Bricks and Cakes. Pu-erh comes AGED (black) or RAW (green) and has a stronger taste than either black or green teas. It is the only tea that is ‘fermented’ and aged for extended periods of time, as long as 50 years. The aging process and it’s ability to store for long periods of time make this a tea comparable to a fine wine that just gets better with age, and if stored properly, away from moisture and strong odours, (not in plastic) will keep very well. Pu-erh is known to aid digestion after a greasy meal, help warm the stomach, help produce saliva and dispel the effects of alcohol. It is also reported to lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood stream. Other benefits of Pu-erh are its long-standing use as a beauty tea helping with weight loss and known as a slimming tea. Many infusions (steeping’s) may be taken from Pu-erh with the first one timed at 2—3 minutes and subsequent ones being much shorter. There is less caffeine in Pu-Erh and it is an excellent evening meal tea because of this. The taste is lovingly called ’barnyard’ and is not for everyone. The taste for most North Americans is an acquired one and we recommend a good quality Pu-Erh. We carry several excellent qualities, all of them varying in taste. Our tea technicians will gladly help you with your Pu-erh tea selection. Pu-Erh is usually one of the last teas that people try because it is not as traditional looking or tasting as other tea varieties. This is unfortunate because this tea has a lot to offer the health conscientious tea drinker. As our slogan says, why not make this tea a‘part of your healthy lifestyle’  

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